Collection: Hashimoto's Hypothyroid Support

If we haven't already met at Starbucks..
I'm Vicki, self-confessed coffee lover, Mum to 4 horses, I've always been passionate about good food & most things I own are pink!

14 years ago I just thought I was getting old!

I had so much joint pain I couldn't lift frying pans from the stovetop and my feet were so painful I could hardly walk when getting up at night to pee. I had carpal tunnel in both arms which meant it was difficult to work.

I was so exhausted all the time that after dragging myself out of bed to do my horses' yards, I would fall back into bed afterward and fall asleep for another hour or so.

I was allergic to everything - I was that really painful person at dinner that interrogated the waiter on every ingredient on every meal I thought I may be ok to eat. My friends and family didn't understand. They couldn't see I was sick. 

But the real kicker for me was that no matter what diet I tried I kept gaining weight. It was actually very depressing. I used to be a Weight Loss Coach so I knew what to do but it wasn't working. Talk about embarrassing!

It took me 12 years of research and trial and error to get the results I have today - but it does not have to take you that long!

I lost 26kgs (57 pounds) and went from barely being able to drag myself out of bed after 8 hours sleep to jumping out of bed at 6am each day.  My joint pain has vanished completely. I feel younger than I did 14 years ago!

I became the go-to coffee lover when others wanted to be healthier or lose weight (or both) which triggered my inner teacher.  I decided to help as many other women like myself as I can, who, like me, were just getting depressed in the Hypothyroid Facebook groups thinking there was no end in sight.

Lots of Love