How do you face trying one more thing?

How do you face trying one more thing?

I know what it's like trust me - I've been there and bought the t-shirt!

When you have Hashimoto's or an underactive thyroid you can easily get stuck on a vicious "feel better" merry-go-round trying new ways of eating or different supplements.

You try - you get your hopes up this time it will work - and it doesn't!

Or even worse it works for a month or so then stops working!

At the time I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's I was 25kg overweight. That's 55 pounds.  

I had no energy, I had brain fog and when I went to Weight Watchers I gained weight. Yip!

After trying low fat, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and more, a few years ago I tried the HCG homeopathic diet which my doctor suggested.

It meant eating very small amounts of protein and veggies and NO FAT whatsoever - not even healthy fats like coconut oil. 

So you know what happened - you can probably guess? Without the healthy fats, I was starving all the time.

The weight came off quite quickly but I had no satiety which healthy fats give you - that feeling of feeling full and satisfied. 

As soon as the cycle finished (it has these weird 3 week/5 week cycles) I was just craving the gluten-free muffins and sweet treats again. It wasn't long before all the weight was back. 

It did nothing to deal with the reason I was having cravings in the first place. 

I could have given up then.

In fact, there were days that I thought "what the hell" I'll just eat whatever I want because I can't lose any weight anyway and I don't have any more energy to think about this anymore. 

But I didn't give up. 

I knew that feeling better despite having Hashimoto's was my mission and nothing would stop me from finding a formula that worked!

If I had have given up I wouldn't be where I am today - helping other women transform their energy, their sleep, their health, and their body!

I wouldn't have successfully lost 25gs (55llbs) and kept it off without feeling like I am missing out on anything. 

I wouldn't have got rid of those nightmare cravings that ruled my day. 

I wouldn't have written my book which I hope will help other women get to where I am today but in a shorter timeframe. 

I wouldn't be waking up naturally at 6am and actually feel like jumping out of bed!

I mean because really - who DOES THAT!

Apparently me now! For the first time in my life!

So if you're thinking about trying one more thing, one more program, or trying one more supplement, seeing one more holistic doctor or nutritionist - then I say PLEASE DO. 

You are stronger than you know and you can get to the bottom of this disease.

I am living proof you can.

My mother has Hashimoto's, my grandmother had it (RIP Gram) and my uncle has it - so I could say "well the odds are stacked against me" but I didn't.

Not for long anyway.

So be brave and keep going on this journey to wellness. I promise you won't regret it once you reach the end of your journey. It will be worth it.

If you give up now you won't ever know how close you were!

Lots of Love till next time


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