My Hashimoto’s journey began over 12 years ago. The day I was diagnosed.

My Hashimoto’s journey began over 12 years ago. The day I was diagnosed.

I was 25kg overweight and wondered why I felt “old” but I was only 42....

All the symptoms crept up on me slowly. I thought I was just getting old. Brain fog, joint pain, carpal tunnel in my arms, and I’d had cold hands and feet (even in summer) for as long as I remember.

I went for a thermogram which is the alternative to having your boob squashed by an X-ray machine. They picked up I had a hormonal imbalance!

I got it checked out at a local Holistic medical center and knock me down with a feather I had an autoimmune disease plus iron-deficient anemia, I was deficient in zinc, B12 but that was just the beginning.

I decided to get the whole thyroid medication. It was desiccated pig thyroid to be exact. I was kind of vegetarian at the time. But decided it was better than the synthetic version which only has T3. This one has T3 and T4. The Doctors said just take the drugs and give up gluten and there was nothing more I could do.

Well I didn’t feel great. So I wanted more.

That was 12 years ago and my new book follows my journey. I wanted to share it so that others with Hashimotos don’t have to spend 12 years getting to where I am now.

I got my energy back.

I rated it as 2/10 once when my doctor first asked. Now it’s 8/10.

I’d struggled since menopause keeping some stubborn weight off even though I was eating gluten-free and dairy-free. I tried AIP, Paleo, Keto and actually had some success. But there was something missing. I tried more exercise. I signed up for yoga and then HIIT sessions. But nothing changed. Even my doctor was stumped.

I’d been a weight loss coach for over three years so I knew what to do!  it wasn’t like I wasn’t eating well. I was doing all the right things.

Well, what I did was fine-tune little things that I’d learned along and brought everything together, made a few tweaks, as you do along the way, and off came the 12kgs. Once my body was completely in balance it just came off. 

I healed my leaky gut, got rid of the grumpy candida, and got on top of my adrenal fatigue.

I got my life back. I got my energy back.   Now I wake up at 6am and actually feel like getting out of bed as there’s so much I want to do. 

Heck, I even wrote a book about my journey in 6 weeks during Lockdown! 

My mission now is to try and help as many other Hashimotos Warriors feel better even with the disease. I concentrate on the symptoms that are often listed as autoimmune symptoms but I found actually it was my leaky gut, or my candida, or adrenal fatigue, or all three causing me to feel so tired that I had to go back to bed after spending an hour doing the horse yards.

They were also causing cravings and fluid retention. 

Now I fit so much into my day, I can concentrate on my 3 businesses and be present with my loved ones (two-legged and four-legged).  No more brain fog. No more burning the midnight oil and then sleeping till 11 am.

Very excited.

Vicki xx

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