What I figured out during COVID this last year!

What I figured out during COVID this last year!

💝 Things I’ve learned about myself in the last year. (Original blog was written in 2021)

  1. I can wake up at 6am and feel awake. This is something very new to me. And I still can't really believe it. I wake up and think I'll fall back to sleep soon - but nope. I lay awake for 30 minutes then get up and start the day! 

  2. I do better when I take time to do “me’ time with my horses. Although it's so easy to slip back into superwoman work mode isn't it! I feel so guilty when I don't get to spend any time with them. At the moment though I'm reviving my travel business which is similar to getting someone to walk again after being in a coma for a year. It's tough. It takes a lot of my time and I don't get paid yet. But it will be worth it when she can walk unassisted again. 

  3. Stopping and slowing down has brought me reflection on what I really want in life.  My usual days are spent working a hell of a lot and the slower pace has been useful. But like I said it's so easy to slip back into crazy busy mode. But I did write my book! Right here.

  4. Fresh air matters. If I don’t get myself outside, plant my feet on the earth and breathe in the beauty then my whole day can become exhausting and overwhelming. ​​I pick up horse poo every day and put it on the garden - the trees love it! Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn I go outside for at least an hour a day. It's a great way to get your shot of Vitamin D.

  5. I LOVE spending time with my horses and riding on fine days and then planning the things I’ve never had time to do, working on creative ideas etc. I figured this out during the last year. Now I just have to remind myself and keep it at the front of my mind.

  6. News mainstream, leftfield, or otherwise zaps my brain. I have not watched or listened to the news in over 4 years. It's sooooooo much better for my outlook and my mood. Try it. Go on!

    ​​I can only hear and listen and look at so much. My goal is to focus on what can be done and how we come out of this better than before, rabbit holes are not my thing. Waaaaay to Alice in Wonderland for me. 

  7. ​​I can’t wait to fly again without masks and testing and quarantine. I hope that travel will get to be more normal again soon. I miss my shopping trips to LA. New Zealand does not have outlet stores like America does - I am just a wee bit addicted to the Tommy Outlet store I have to say. 


​What have you learned about yourself in this process?


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