What to do when you get sick when you have Hashimoto's?

What to do when you get sick when you have Hashimoto's?

I got a sinus infection on the weekend.

I hate being sick!

It's quite common at this time of the year with horses and hay and hay sheds and hay dust. It's not pleasant - you get a really sore throat first (weirdly enough) then your sinuses start blocking up. 

Anyway, this is what I do when I get sick to fight it off - even with having an autoimmune disease like Hashimoto's.

When I first start feeling a bit off I start taking Vitamin C and Zinc in really large doses - I take up to 5000mg Vitamin C a day and 30mg Zinc daily. I keep going with this till I feel 100% again. 

The Vitamin C I take has echinacea in it as well for good measure. Like this one here. Be sure your supplements don't have any gluten or wheat or dairy added. I checked these for you - they are all good. 

I find if I get the zinc into me in the early stages it can stop anything in its tracks. If you can find Zinc Melts then dissolve those while you lie on the bed so that the zinc can sit in the back of your throat. It can potentially stop a virus from multiplying.

Vitamin C is an immune helper as is echinacea so I love these two together. 

  • If I can find it I get Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C when I can because in large doses Vitamin C (unless it's in this form) can be a little hard on the stomach and give you diarrhea. 
  • If I get a cold I also take liquid echinacea like this one as it's stronger. The test of good echinacea is it should make your tongue tingle! 
  • Bone Broth is also my go-to, chicken bone broth. If you want my recipe you can get it on my freebie Hashimoto's Checklist - it's a super-easy way to make it and it's delicious. They say chicken soup is good for the soul - well there are many solid reasons that we use chicken soup or broth when someone is sick - it's been proven to act as a natural cold kicker!
  • Hot water and lemon - it's nice to keep drinking when you have a sore throat so this is a good way to get your liquids up just skip the honey and use a natural low GI sweetener like Yacon Syrup or Stevia or Monk Fruit instead.

Lastly - rest.

I am not very good at this as I like to do a million things in one day but I go to bed an hour earlier when I am sick so I have more time before midnight to rest and repair. The sleep you get before midnight is twice as valuable as your sleep after midnight. 

Take care!

Save this for when you get sick ok! 


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