Why you are probably addicted to sugar and wheat

Why you are probably addicted to sugar and wheat

There are many reasons why you are probably addicted to sugar and wheat....

- but I can tell you right this second before you read another line that it's ok - there are ways to kick the addiction that don't involve expensive rehab or starvation.

Wheat and sugar are two ingredients found in most foods on the supermarket shelves and both are highly addictive.

A study with mice (or was it rats ? I hate both to be honest - I am very squeamish when it comes to vermin)... anyway - they got the rats addicted to cocaine. Then one day they offered the drug-dependent rats cocaine or sugar. They even made the sugar a little harder to get to. 

Guess what the rats chose?


Wheat can be equally addictive. But on top of that - both will cause your blood sugar to rise, then fall again, and you'll crave more.

Both will give you candida Albicans which can make you crave more sugar and wheat and cause you to be bloated and have brain fog. 

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Processed food back in the sixties had fat added for taste (and various other reasons) and when the powers that be decided to listen to the faulty findings of Ancel Keys and remove fat from everyone's food - they had to add sugar.

Without sugar, everything tested like crap to be honest. 

On top of that, they decided vegetable oils were better than butter, and fast forward sixty years and we as a world have never been fatter and unhealthier. Never has there been so much cancer and autoimmune disease. Never have we had so many children with Type 2 Diabetes.  

Next time you are in the supermarket - check the labels. 

Try to only buy whole, clean foods - with no additives (including no added wheat or wheat by-products, and or sugar or sugar variations. Our bodies cannot handle so much crappy food. It's really no wonder we are so unhealthy. 

Lastly - if the thought of giving up sugar and wheat gives you the heeby-jeebies,  then you're addicted my friend - I'm sorry to tell you. 

Wheat is especially damaging to anyone with an autoimmune disease and there have now been studies showing that gluten is one of the main contributors to the beginnings of Leaky Gut. Until your leaky gut is healed you will have multiple food intolerances and nutrient deficiencies. 

Sugar is also inflammatory to those like me with an autoimmune disease. It can cause fungus infections and joint pain as well as weight gain of course. 

My top 3 tips to give up wheat and sugar!

  1. Go cold turkey - drink alot of water and just pull the plaster off. It will be over in a few days and the fog will begin to clear. 
  2. Eat nutrient-dense clean whole foods and make sure you have ample free-range protein and good healthy fats to satisfy your hunger. 
  3. Keep busy!!!

You can do this!

Comment below and let me know if you're going to give it a try - I bet you will feel loads better within a week.  ~ Vicki

Feel free to join my free Facebook Group to get support from myself if you need it. 

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